Tag Archives: vote

Ode to Ferguson: You Can’t.

You Can’t

You can’t have your right to vote.
You can’t have a private hope.
You can’t be fairly represented.
You can’t be reasonably suspected.
You can’t have due process.
You can’t have true justice.
You can’t have your right to vote.
You can’t fight back.

You can’t have your right to vote.
You can’t live outside the militarized zone.
You can’t have ethical cops.
You can’t get excessive fines dropped.
You can’t live without cruel and unusual punishment.
You can’t feed the homeless, money well spent.
You can’t have your right to vote.
You can’t fight back.

You can’t have your right to vote.
You can’t have a gun to own.
You can’t have equal rights.
You can’t have no profit prison sites.
You can’t choose your body’s laws.
You can’t stop ads that exploit your “flaws.”
You can’t have your right to vote.
You can’t fight back.

You can’t have your right to vote.
You can’t be free from religion and God.
You can’t get a decent education.
You can’t benefit from fair journalism.
You can’t have access to accurate history.
You can’t define your gender or identity.
You can’t have your right to vote.
You can’t fight back.

You can’t have your right to vote.
You can’t have a career that’s not a joke.
You can’t get work, let alone A job!
You can’t escape eternal debt bondage.
You can’t have a living wage.
You can’t afford the home where you came of age.
You can’t have your right to vote.
You can’t fight back.

You can’t have your right to vote.
You can’t have a retirement account.
You can’t live without fiat cash.
You can’t say no to the military’s trash.
You can’t compete with corporate greed.
You can’t be protected from speculator screed.
You can’t have your right to vote.
You can’t fight back.

You can’t have your right to vote.
You can’t drink safe h2O.
You can’t eat unpoisoned food.
You can’t have soil that’s natural and good.
You can’t have clean air to breath.
You can’t have affordable health care for relief.
You can’t have your right to vote.
You can’t fight back.
You cant.

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The “Go Vote” Rant

The “Go Vote” Rant By: Whiskey Tango, 2013 ::Here’s your disclaimer. If you don’t like “potty language,” it’s probably time to become an adult. If that hasn’t happened yet the you should avoid a very poignant piece on why you … read more

The “Koch Whore” Deals You Some WTF’ery – Walker Style

So if you missed the prank call of Wisconsin Gov. Walker’s office like I did till just now, then you’re in for an interesting listen. I also suspect Walker had a clue he wasn’t really talking to Koch somewhere towards … read more